
Friday, December 23, 2011

last minute d.i.y. gifts from kids | d.i.y. | little free radical

Here's a quickie D.I.Y. project I did with Sophie tonight for her grandparents:

I was a bit 'stuck' on what to get my parents. Really, when you're in your 50s, you don't need anything. But I also didn't want to give them "junk."

When it occurred to me in IKEA a week ago, why not get two of IKEAs 9x9" RIBBA frames for $9.99 and let Sophie paint the mats and put her picture inside... then they can bring it to work for their desks. :)

Source: via Crystal on Pinterest

I already knew Sophie would love painting them - I had her fingerpaint a canvas for Father's Day in June.So, after she was done making art all over her high chair tray with her macaroni and cheese, I washed her hands and took her to the bathroom for her D.I.Y. project!

I typically don't do DIY projects IN the bathroom, but seeing as a 17-month-old + paint = very very messy, I figured it would be easiest to plop the painted mini-artist right in the tub as soon as her masterpiece was done, and tile + tubs are MUCH easier to clean then walls & carpet. (last time I let her paint, I took her out in the grass).

So, I got a couple containers of Martha Stewart Acrylic Paints (non-toxic), the weekly grocery fliers and the mats from the RIBBA frames ready for her arrival. Boy was she excited when she saw!!!! but I quickly had to explain that the fliers were there to sit on so we can play with paint, NOT so we can tear them up. ;)

I'd let her pick which color, then I'd squirt a little paint on the mat, and she would paint with it. Then I'd let her pick another and let her go at it!

As soon as she was all done, I put her right in the tub and cleaned up the floor!!! Then I let the paint dry, then re-assembled the frames! :)

Supplies Needed:
  • Frames with mats
  • Photos (or additional art to frame)
  • Non-toxic Paint
  • Newspaper or Fliers
Time Involved:
  • 5 minutes prep gathering supplies
  • 10-15 minutes to paint both mats
  • PLUS: 10 minutes in the tub!
So it took about half an hour start to finish!
I'm sure she will be very proud of herself when she wakes up and sees the framed art!

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